Blog 9: Shopping Magic Steps

Blog 9: Shopping Magic Steps
Shopping Magic For Framed Art Prints
Let’s review the Wall Art series for Framed Prints to show you some tips and tricks you might need to know to get the most from your online shopping, or from physical store purchases.
Note: What you learn to do on these examples … you should be able to do on most other artists’ products on their FAA websites (or … even your own FAA website!)
We are going to start exploring some examples of hundreds of options for Print Frames. You will be amazed at what you can do with various colors and frames. You may not have ever imagined these possibilities before.
You can follow right along with these demonstrations on the following website since we know it best (copy and paste the website link to your browser if necessary):
Open this website:
Hover Mouse pointer > SHOP [Do NOT click]
Slide Mouse pointer > Wall Art [Do NOT click]
Slide Mouse pointer > Framed Prints [ NOW … click on Framed Prints]
Search … Keyword & Enter > Cathedral of Love … Click >
Choose & Click Image > Love Is Wherever You Find It
I will explore this example for you. There are over 1300 images on this FAA website (But Note: by checking other FAA artists you may find millions of images you like.)
Today, I will go through the Framed Prints (in the Wall Art category) so that you can see how to perform all the actions in most of these options below: *
- Print Size (Depends on frame Shape)
- Shape
- Natural (allows 6 print size options)
- Vertical (allows 3 print size options)
- Horizontal (allows 2 print size options)
- Square (allows 3 print size options)
- Frame (Choices vary with Frame Colors options … or choose NONE)
- Frame Colors (1 option with Beige Color … 24 options with Black Color)
- Top Mat (Closest to Frame – 15 color choices … but number may vary)
- Top Mat Width (19 size choices)
- Bottom Mat (Closest to Picture – 15 color choices – Optional)
- Bottom Mat Width (36 size choices)
- Paper (8 Choices):
- Archival Matte; Glossy Photo; Luster Photo; Semi-Matte Photo;
- Picture Rag; Somerset velvet; Watercolor; and Metallic)
- Note: Click > ⊕ symbol (to get explanation of differences of all 8 types).
- *Actual number of options available may vary from time to time.
Note: Take your time … and repeat these instructions as many times as you want to … because there is a lot of good stuff you can find out here. Watch the frames and colors change around your image as you experiment.
Study the example below … carefully! Change anything you want as often as you like … even start over … until you get it like you want it! You cannot break it!
To get the image below and play around with it … Click > Cathedral Of Love by Mitchell Watrous (
Please note the information about your Frame, Bottom Mat, Top Mat, and Dimensions displayed right below the image which you are designing. Any changes you make will also show up there, too.
On the next page … I am going to go through all the options to show you what I did. You can use that as an example of what you might like to start trying on your own design. (Note: Try these examples on as many images as you like … until you design something you like.)
The product you design and order will be a professional production (and comes with a guarantee)! Today, I will go through the Framed Prints (in the Wall Art category) so that you can see how to perform all the actions in most of these options:
Note: Use this link for help with colors in matching walls, rugs, furniture, etc.: ColorHexa ( ). In this example: imagine a Framed Print to be placed on an Almond Colored Wall.
Note: My choices are shown in Bold below … but please experiment as much as you like!
- Print Size = 5” x 14” (Note: The larger the frame size … the more the final cost.)
- Shape = Natural
- Frame (17 options) = CRQ5
- Frame Colors = Red * [See black frame example below-bottom]
- Top Mat Size = French Blue (Closest to Frame = 2 “)
- Bottom Mat Size (Closest to Picture – Size: 1” – Color: Moss Point Green)
- Paper (8 Choices):
- Archival Matte; Glossy Photo; Luster Photo; Semi-Matte Photo;
Picture Rag; Somerset velvet; Watercolor; and Metallic)
- Note: Click > ⊕ symbol (to get an explanation of differences among all 8 types).
* Also looks good with various Black color frames … try some to see what you think! (See black frame below.)
Note: Take your time … and repeat these instructions as many times as you want to … because there is a lot of good stuff you can try to find out what you like and take a look here.
You cannot break anything, but if you don’t like anything you did … No Problem … you can start all over as many times as you like!
Also, try as many Framed Art Prints as you like. There is no charge for playing all you want to … and experimenting can be a terrific teacher that can make you much better at finding something you like.
Please note the information about your Frame, Bottom Mat, Top Mat, and Dimensions displayed right below the image which you are designing. Any changes you make will also show up there, too.
I am going to go through all the options to show you what I did. You can use that as an example of what you might like to start trying on your own design. (Note: Try these examples on as many images as you like … until you design something you like.)
The product you design, and order, will be a professional production (and comes with a guarantee)! Today, I will go through the Framed Prints (in the Wall Art category) so that you can see how to perform all the actions in most of these options:
Note: Use this link for help with colors in matching walls, rugs, furniture, etc.: ColorHexa ( ). In this example: imagine a Framed Print to be placed on an Almond Colored Wall.
Note: My choices are shown in Bold below … but please experiment as much as you like!
- Print Size = 5” x 14” (Note: The larger the frame size … the more the final cost.)
- Shape = Natural
- Frame (17 options) = CRQ5
- Frame Colors = Red *
- Top Mat Size = French Blue (Closest to Frame = 2 “)
- Bottom Mat Size (Closest to Picture – Size: 1” – Color: Moss Point Green)
- Paper (8 Choices):
- Archival Matte; Glossy Photo; Luster Photo; Semi-Matte Photo;
Picture Rag; Somerset velvet; Watercolor; and Metallic)
- Note: Click > ⊕ symbol (to get an explanation of differences among all 8 types).
* Also looks good with various Black color frames … try some to see what you think! (See one below.)
Note: Take your time … and repeat these instructions as many times as you want to … because there is a lot of good stuff you can try to find out what you like and take a look here.
You cannot break anything, but if you don’t like anything you did … No Problem … you can start all over as many times as you like!
Also, try as many Framed Art Prints as you like. There is no charge for playing all you want to … and experimenting can be a terrific teacher that can make you much better at finding something you like.
To improve your skills ever more … be sure to get a copy of the tutorial book for these blogs. (Note: The eBook has many active links, and “Text-to- Speech” is enabled … plus, the Print book makes an attractive library addition.)
How can you get the book? Once again … here is the information: | [$4.97] eBook | | [$11.97] Print Book |
The print book is also very good … and many people prefer to have a print book in addition to an eBook.